Welcome to BucketList Central

BucketList Central is my newest project, and my first online one.  Up until now I have had more than a touch of the shiny object syndrome and tended to jump headlong into whatever caught my attention.  It was all I could do to keep my big to-do (bucketlist) up to date!

Now that all that is out of my system, I can sit down and spend some time concentrating on something a little more meaningful.  When I was thinking about doing something online and what I could contribute, I kept coming back to my love of setting goals for myself and the feeling of achievement when you get there.  I want to explore and understand the process I’ve gone through as well as what others do to reach their goals.  I want to talk to people about their own efforts and share this with everyone interested in listening.  And if this helps someone along the way either by giving them information they needed to get where they’re going, or just by simple encouragement then I will have succeeded.

I recently wrote a post called Learning to Dare Greatly.  In there I talk about the origins of the phrase ‘Dare Greatly’ and why it can be so difficult to do so.  I truly believe we are capable of great things if only we can truly believe it ourselves.

Craig Dean